Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports

ISSN 2766-7820
Clinical Image - Open Access, Volume 4

Apocrine cancer: Clinical image

*Corresponding Author : Laaliaoui Aymen
Department of Residence Janan Pasteur BV Abdelmoumen Casablanca, Morocco.
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]

Received : May 29, 2023

Accepted : Jun 16, 2023

Published : Jun 23, 2023

Archived :

Copyright : © Aymen L (2023).


The incidence of apocrine carcinoma, a rare subtype of breast cancer, ranges from 0.3 to 4% [1]. Currently, its prognosis and treatment are the same as those of other ductal carcinomas without apocrine disruption [2,3]. However, the management of patients may be affected by its recognition.

Citation: Aymen L. Apocrine cancer: Clinical image. J Clin Images Med Case Rep. 2023; 4(6): 2469.


We report a case of a 61-year-old woman sought our institution’s advice regarding an autopalpable nodule in her left breast. Breast retraction and inflammatory symptoms at the level of the left superexternal quadrant.

This patient lacked a family history of cancer

The patient underwent a mammogram, which revealed the presence of two overcrosses of contiguous circumscribed opacities in the left breast: One measuring 20 mm well limited with polylobed contours and the other measuring 15 mm poorly limited seat of a focus of fine, irregular microcalcifications with suspension grouping and a slight thickening of the QS skin.

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Right breast without abnormality echographic complement

On the left breast: Presence of two contiguous formations at the level of the QSE: one slightly cystic hypoechogenic, well limited with polylobate contours, measuring 18 x 17 mm, the other very attenuating hypoechogenic with irregular limits measuring 21 x 17 mm, surrounded by a thick and irregular hyperechogenic halo.

Free axillary hollows.

Straight boobs without abnormality Examining BIRADS 5 to the left.

In addition, the patient was treated with a nodule-based microbiopsy that objectified an invasive ductal carcinoma with undifferentiated small cells and carcinomatous lymphangitis in the fats. With an IHC profile: Negative RH, Her2:0, 60% Ki67=Triple negative.

The patient received 6 cures of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy based on (3 AC60 + 3 pacli).

The clinical examination carried out in our institution was found in the left breast of an induration mass taking the upper quadrants, ulcerated, with exulceration facing the nipple.

Right breast: no palpable nodule.

Free axillary hollows.

The patient received a left mastectomy and a homolateral axillary scrub with anapath: INFILTRATING NOS-TYPE BREAST CARCINOMA , Grade SBR III , EV + -In situ component 15% -IHC=RH=negative, HER2=0 , ki67= 80%=Triple negative axillary clearance = 4N+/5N.


  1. Rouche, Julia Arfi, Mathieu, Marie-Christine, Canale, et al. Carcinome apocrine in situ du sein: corrélation anatomo-radiologique. Imagerie de la Femme. 2012; 22. 30-35.
  2. WADER, Jyotsna V., JAIN, Akash, BHOSALE, Suresh J., et al. Apocrine carcinoma of breast: a case report with review of the literature. Case reports in pathology. 2013; 2013.
  3. El Fouhi, Majdouline, Benider, Abdellatif, Gaetan, et al. Profil épidémiologique et anatomopathologique du cancer de sein au CHU Ibn Rochd, Casablanca. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2020; 37.