Epidermal cysts are commonly encountered benign lesions in adults, but their occurrence in paediatric patients is relatively rare. We present a case of a 10-year-old male child with an epidermal cyst on the nipple, necessitating surgical excision due to excruciating pain over the lesion. The challenging aspect of this case is not only to remove the lesion but also to retain the nipple and an acceptable cosmesis.
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Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports (ISSN 2766-7820) paves a great platform to access the recent developments of the clinical and medical world and is employed for publishing the varied case reports & clinical images that pertains to many clinical and medical conditions. Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports(JCIMCR) is an international peer reviewed open access journal focused towards publishing the most complete, reliable source of research information, current developments, and clinically interesting, trainees and researchers in all surgical subspecialties, as well as clinicians in related fields. This journal is internationally peer reviewed and provides major understanding of diagnosis of many diseases, their management and their therapeutic strategies that aims in improving the health outcomes globally. Case reports and clinical images are required altogether areas of medicine and involves research using the human volunteers who are intended to contribute to the clinical and medical knowledge.
Short Name: JCIMCR
NLM Title Abbreviation: J Clin Images Med Case Rep
ISSN: 2766-7820
NLM/PubMed ID: 9918266187306676
Acceptance rate: 55%
Submission to acceptance: 25 days
Acceptance to publication: 10 days
Volume: 4 (2023)
Impact Factor: 2.6
DOI Prefix: 10.52768/2766-7820/
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