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In medicine, a case report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Case reports may contain a demographic profile of the patient, but usually describe an unusual or novel occurrence.
A clinical image may be of the patient's body - such as an injury, skin lesion or body fluid - or an image of a pathology report, diagnostic image, or medication which presents imaging science and relevant clinical information in an understandable and useful format.
Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports paves a great platform to access the recent developments of the clinical and medical world and is employed for publishing the varied case reports & clinical images that pertains to many clinical and medical conditions. Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports(JCIMCR) is an international peer reviewed open access journal focused towards publishing the most complete, reliable source of research information, current developments, and clinically interesting, trainees and researchers in all surgical subspecialties, as well as clinicians in related fields. This journal is internationally peer reviewed and provides major understanding of diagnosis of many diseases, their management and their therapeutic strategies that aims in improving the health outcomes globally. Case reports and clinical images are required altogether areas of medicine and involves research using the human volunteers who are intended to contribute to the clinical and medical knowledge.
Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports welcomes case reports and clinical images that are associated with the various areas of clinical and medical sciences. The open access policy of the journal benefits the whole medical fraternity to read and share published case reports and clinical images with no subscription. The case reports and clinical images published within the journal are of highest standard and are published under rigorous peer reviews. Overall, the Journal of Case Reports and Medical Images is very impactful in improving the health outcomes.
Editorial Board
Our Editorial Boards are comprised of world-leading scientists who are actively engaged in the research community. As well as providing comprehensive coverage, expertise, and international representation, we strive to ensure that our Editorial Boards reflect the full breadth and diversity of the research community itself.
Open Access
Open Access is the excellent possible path for disseminating information across a global community without any hindrance. As per the Open Access principles, there are publishers which provide the scientific innovations and researches without any paid subscription. All that the reader requires is an internet connection to access the open access contents. As per the open access policies, there are usually no restrictions on the cost, profile of people accessing the contents and the region from where the person is accessing the contents.
Peer Review Process
Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports(JCIMCR) follows Double blind Peer Review system which enhances the quality of the manuscript, validates the significance and originality of the research. This process is as objective as possible. Reviewers are not aware of the author’s identity, and you will not know the identity of the reviewers. We are committed to the highest standards of peer review.