Emergency and Critical Care Medical Center, Tottori University Hospital, Japan
Takahiro Ueda, MD
- Editor-in-Chief
Biography: Dr. Ueda T is Professor and Chief Director of Emergency and Critical Care Medical Center at Tottori University Hospital in Japan. He attended medical school at Kindai University in Japan (1994 -1999) . He completed his medical residency at the Higashi- Kobe Hospital, Kobe Kyodo Hospital and Osaka Senri Critical Care Medical Center. After completing a residency program he trained coronary intervention, endoscopic banding, interventional radiology, trauma, burn injury, and prehospital care at Edogawa Hospital Tokyo, Shinko Hospital. He received his PhD from Post-graduate school of Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine in the year 2014. He joined Kindai University Assistant Professor and later has served Chief Director of Burn Center at Kindai University Hospital in 2018. He was promoted as a Professor of Emergency and Critical Care Medical Center at Tottori University Hospital in 2020. His major area of research is related to coronary intervention, endoscopic banding, Interventional radiology, trauma, burn injury and prehospital care. He is well known as a specialist of burn surgeon since he successfully treated patients with extensive burn wounds using only autologous cultured epidermis without allograft.
Dr Ueda has been Board Certified Fellow of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, Board Certified Trainer of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine and Board Certified Fellow of the Japanese Society for Burn Injuries. He has number of publications of his name.