
Volume-5, 2024
Issue 8 (August)

Duodenal polyp: A clinical image

A 47-year-old female patient, without any significant medical history, presented with chronic abdominal pain localized in the epigastric region, ranging from mild to moderate intensity, without vomiting or fever, all occurring in the context of preserved general condition.


Reinforcing the cultural biases in application of montreal cognitive assessment in determination of mild cognitive impairment

Mild cognitive impairment is the stage between dementia-a severe cognitive decline and the normal aging-related loss of memory and thinking. Cognitive impairment can also result from delirium, substance use, sleep disturbances, psychiatric illness, and metabolic conditions. Hence, assessing the cognitive function of older adults with psychiatric presentations is necessary.


Dens in dente

11 years old male child presented with a small conical supernumerary tooth between permanent maxillary left central and lateral incisor. Clinically the supernumerary tooth was asymptomatic, and an erythematous mass of granulation tissue overlying the tooth was evident. Intra oral periapical radiograph showed root resorption and rarefaction of bone with thickening of periodontal (PDL) space.


Significant hemorrhage following computed tomography- guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of pancreatic incidentaloma: A case report and literature review

Pancreatic incidentalomas are asymptomatic pancreatic lesions detected by imaging procedures conducted for purposes unrelated to the original diagnostic inquiry. The prevalence of these lesions has increased with advancements in imaging technologies. Determining the malignant potential of pancreatic incidentalomas is crucial.


Pericardial lesion onset: A case of adult Erdheim-Chester disease and langerhans cell histiocytosis overlap syndrome

Erdheim-Chester Disease (ECD) is an uncommon type of non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis, distinguished by the presence of lipid-filled frothy macrophages infiltrating various tissues. Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) is characterized by infiltration of Langerhans cells, which accumulate in various tissues and can cause a range of symptoms Both ECD and LCH can cause severe systemic disorder, and the overlap of these two diseases is rarely reported.


Endoscopy from the inside out

A 31-year-old patient with Crohn’s disease presented for endoscopy three years after surgical repair of an ileocecal conglomerate tumor and a left-sided enterocutaneous fistula with lower abdominal abscesses. In addition to ileocecal resection with necessity of an anastomotic stoma of the ileum (right up- per abdomen) back then, a sigmoid resection was additionally needed, so that a descendostomy of the colon was also created as a mucous fistula (left middle abdomen).


Atypical tonsillitis in a teenager: A case report

Chronic tonsillitis may be caused by different pathogens. One of them is tubercle bacilli. Tuberculosis is one of the major infectious diseases worldwide. Although, tonsillar tuberculosis is very rare manifestation of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, and it is classified into primary tuberculosis of tonsils, occurring in the absence of active pulmonary tuberculosis, and secondary tuberculosis of tonsils in which an associated pulmonary tuberculosis is documented.


Snowflake cataract in a young child

The patient was 23 years old, with no previous history, and presented with a 6-month history of unilateral visual acuity loss, with no history of trauma or corticosteroid use. Ophthalmological examination revealed visual acuity of 10/10 in the right eye and 04/10 in the left eye, with no improvement with correction.


Epidermoid cyst of base of the tongue in an infant: A rare entity

Stridor is often a symptom exhibited by pediatric age group patients which signifies an underlying pathology of the airway. The major causes of stridor in an infant include laryngomalacia, laryngotracheobronchitis subglottic stenosis, and vocal cord palsy. However, relatively less common causes include epidermoid cyst, laryngeal papillomatosis, and bacterial tracheitis


A case report of harlequin ichthyosis in newborn

A rare and serious genetic skin disorder called harlequin ichthyosis can affect a developing fetus. The most severe and debilitating type of autosomal recessive ichthyosis is harlequin ichthyosis. This disease is caused by mutation in the lipid transporter’s A12 adensine triphosphate binding cassette.


Angelchik device migration

A 71-year-old female presented with a 2-week history of increasing dysphagia, vomiting, and weight loss. She had a hiatal hernia repaired with Angelchik device implantation in 1984. CT imaging showed the device had migrated to the portal system. The device was medial to the intrahepatic IVC, posterior to the common hepatic artery, and superior to the portal vein.


Furuncular myiasis in a Saudi male: Case report

Furuncular myiasis is a well-known cutaneous parasite in tropical regions. Common risk factors include low socioeconomic status, an unhygienic environment, contact with animals, a weakened immune system (malignancy), and inadequate wound care.


Parameniscal cyst: A rare cause of swollen knee

A 72-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis presented with a slow growing painful mass on the anteromedial aspect of the proximal right tibia over the past 2 years. She denied history of fever or local trauma, and acute phase reactants were within normal limits. She underwent knee ultrasound that showed a round well-defined homogeneous hypoechoic lesion connected to the medial meniscus, as well as mild synovitis and degenerative changes.


A rare non-hodgkin’s lymphoma: The clinical image

Lymphomas can affect any organ in the body and present with a variety of symptoms, making them relevant to primary care physicians and specialists across different fields. They are categorized into Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which constitutes about 10% of cases, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the focus of this seminar.


Craniorachischisis totalis: A rare and severe neural tube defect

Craniorachischisis is a very rare congenital anomaly characterised by anencephaly and total spinbifida. We present a case of a woman in her 30s, second gravida and a 20 week pregnancy, who presented with vaginal bleeding to the obstetrics department. An ultrasound scan confirmed the foetal anencephaly of a single live foetus.


Large placental cyst: Clinical image

G2P1L1 24 yr pregnant lady 37 wks POG delivered a LBW (Birth wt - 2.3 kg) female baby vaginally with uneventful labour. Incidental finding of large surface placental cyst (7 x 5 cm) observed which was missed on sonography. A placental cyst is a small area in the placenta containing liquified clear material, usually as a result of the breakdown of a material called fibrin in the placenta.


Lepidic adenocarcinoma of the lung in a female patient

We present the case of a 68-year-old female patient with a history of breast cancer in remission for 12 years and ischemic heart disease. She presented with bronchorrhea and dyspnea. Initial CT imaging revealed pneumopathy, and she was treated with antibiotics. However, her symptoms persisted, and followup CT scans showed no change. An echo-guided biopsy was performed, which revealed lepidic adenocarcinoma of the lung.


Pilocytic astrocytoma underlying failure to thrive

This case report describes a poor weight gain secondary to organic causes in a young infant. Girl, 8 months old, referred for investigation of difficulty gaining weight. Environmental causes were ruled out and the complementary tests carried out were within normal limits. Despite several attempts to provide adequate caloric-protein supply, there was no success in nutritional recovery.


Hairy tongue in a chronic smoker

A 70 year old male presented with asymptomatic golden brown hairy surface over the dorsum of tongue for last 2 months. He is a chronic smoker with daily intake of 3-4 bidis since 7 years. On examination, there were elongated golden brown filiform papillae over dorsum of the tongue with fibres directed backwards towards the midline (Figure 1).


Hand in glove appearance

40-year-old man presented to our pulmonology clinic with complaints of persistent cough with expectoration and breathlessness since past 2 months. Elucidation of medical history revealed patient to be an asthmatic with use of inhaled bronchodilators through Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) on an as and when required basis.


A man with renal failure and an eschar

A 49-year-old male presented to the emergency department with fever, abdominal pain, icterus, and acute kidney injury requiring hemodialysis. Laboratory investigations revealed thrombocytopenia, hyponatremia, evidence of liver injury, and positive IgM serology for Scrub typhus. Upon examination, an eschar was identified in his right groin.


A rare epidermal cyst occurrence in the nipple of a 10-year-old male child: A case report

Epidermal cysts are commonly encountered benign lesions in adults, but their occurrence in paediatric patients is relatively rare. We present a case of a 10-year-old male child with an epidermal cyst on the nipple, necessitating surgical excision due to excruciating pain over the lesion. The challenging aspect of this case is not only to remove the lesion but also to retain the nipple and an acceptable cosmesis.


US detection of CB layer within a TB

A thin layer of Cortical Bone (CB) is located in a Trabecular Bone (TB), such as the wrapping around the Mandibular Canal (MC), located in the lower jaw. During an implantation surgery, this thin layer of CB, and the MC can be damaged - what should be prevented also by intraoperative monitoring


Antituberculosis therapy-induced liver injury: A case report and clinical management strategies

Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) from Anti-Tuberculosis Therapy (ATT) is increasingly common and affects patient outcomes. Factors like alcohol use, existing liver conditions, and gender (especially females) influence DILI risk. Recognizing and managing DILI quickly is crucial. This case study of a 32-year-old female with ATT-induced liver injury shows the importance of management strategies and healthcare provider roles in monitoring and education.


Amoebic colitis the great masquerader

Amoebic colitis typically presents with abdominal pain and diarrhoea, the vast majority of patients being asymptomatic carriers. Developing countries with poor socioeconomic and sanitation conditions and immigrants from these countries are disproportionately represented. We describe a patient presenting with constipation and abdominal pain who underwent colonoscopy showing caecal ulceration.


A rare case of Stevens - Johnson syndrome induced by the use of cosmetic products and recent infection of varicella: A case report

Stevens - Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a skin and mucous membrane disorder that affects less than 10% of the body’s skin area, causing the skin to slough off. SJS has very high morbidity and mortality if the patient does not receive instant treatment. According to articles, SJS and SJS-TEN (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) overlap and have mortality rates of 24.4% and 21.1% respectively [1].


A female with 17-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency case report

17α-Hydroxylase Deficiency (17OHD), a rare form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, results in impaired cortisol and sex steroid synthesis. Patients present with a female phenotype, high blood pressure, primary amenorrhea, lack of secondary sexual characteristics, and abnormal karyotypes (46XX or 46XY).


Primary endometriosis mimicking a strangulated umbilical Hernia: A case report and review of literature

Endometriosis is a benign gynaecological condition characterised by the presence of functional endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. It commonly develops in the pelvis but can be found in other extra-pelvic sites. Umbilical endometriosis is rare and primary (spontaneous) umbilical endometriosis associated with umbilical hernia can present a diagnostic challenge to the surgeon as the presenting painful swelling may mimic an obstructed hernia.


The silent bronchial intruder: An insight into endobronchial hamartomas

We present a 45-year-old non-smoking male, with a history of obesity and hyperuricemia, who was referred to a pulmonology appointment after performing a chest computed tomography, which revealed an irregular bone-density foreign body in the lumen of the middle lobar bronchus with 12 mm of size (Figure 1A-C).


Aplastic anemia and guillain-barre syndrome after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination

This case report highlights the occurrence of Aplastic Anemia (AA) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. After receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine, a 40-year-old man reported with continuous vomiting, epistaxis, and other related symptoms. A bone marrow sample and diagnostic studies both indicated severe aplastic anemia


A long foreign body swallowed and spontaneously defecated in a child

A 33-month-old girl without any underlying diseases accidentally swallowed a small screwdriver. She had initially symptoms like coughing and suffocation, which improved within a few minutes. After a few hours, when they went to the hospital and an X-ray was taken, they learnt about its presence in the patient’s body.