
Volume-2, 2021
Issue 4 (Jul & Aug)

Bullous reaction to cupping therapy

A 54-year-old African American male presented with pruritic, circular, purpuric lesions, following a cupping service 4 days prior. The patient had a history of eczematoid dermatitis, scalp folliculitis and xerosis cutis. Upon examination, 13 lesions were identified with a diameter of 6 cm each.


Cutaneous reaction to sea urchin spines

A 35-year-old male returned from vacation in Hawaii where he went scuba diving and snorkeling. While snorkeling, he stepped on a sea urchin and sustained injuries to the dorsal aspect of his right foot. He began to swim back to shore when he felt significant pain and began removing visible spines when he reached shore.


Locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma with extensive destruction of face

A 58-year-old male with a past medical history of squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma presented to the emergency department with complaints of right facial mass, loss of vision, and frequent falls due to visual disturbances. The mass was also associated with pain and purulent drainage.


Neglected microphone in the ear: About a case

Stranger bodies (EC) of the middle ear are among the emergencies least encountered by otolaryngologists (ENT). A 16-year-old patient with no otological history had seen a right chronic otorrhee with otalgia and hypoacousia for 6 months. Microscopic examination of the diseased ear had resulted in purulent secretions with inflammation of the external auditory canal.


Antimicrobial effects of an organosilane-based disinfectant

Organosilane-based disinfectants have been purported to impart lasting antimicrobial properties when applied to a surface. The implications being dramatic reduction in pathogen transmission via fomites and therefore of great public health importance as a means to limit the spread of outbreaks such as COVID-19. We conducted experiments in our laboratory to assess the efficacy of one such product, which reported anti-microbial protection of up to 120 days, as an operational report for our hospital.


A case report of ectopic salivary gland tissue in the larynx

Submucosal laryngeal masses are challenging for ENT specialists as the diagnosis usually remains uncertain until histopathological examination is carried out. We report a case of a 54-year old man complaining of dysphonia and globus sensation. Flexible laryngoscopic examination showed a submucosal swelling in the right anterior laryngeal ventricle.


Migratory non-itchy rash

A 58-year-old man presented with 4-day history of multiple, erythematous, non-itchy, painless, patchy spots, along with fatigue and jaw pain. This rash started around the periumbilical area and then spread over his chest and right upper back. There was no involvement of face, mucous membranes, and extremities.


Accessory liver lobe torsion presenting after blunt abdominal trauma

Torsion of an Accessory Liver Lobe (ALL) is a rare cause of acute abdominal pain. The presence of ALL is associated with congenital abdominal wall abnormalities, such as omphalocele or umbilical hernia, and occurs secondary to abnormal liver morphogenesis and intraabdominal hypertension causing liver hypertrophy.


LVNC – A review

LVNC is a relatively new clinical entity, with a significant increase in awareness and diagnosis in recent years. Currently the aetiology and pathogenesis of LVNC remains uncertain, alongside prevalence, however the diagnosis of LVNC appears to be increasing with improving imaging techniques.


An unusual case of breast abscess in a male patient

A 49-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with acute onset of painful swelling in the left breast. An unusual diagnosis of breast abscess was made using ultrasound scan, incision and drainage were performed followed by antibiotics, with full recovery.


“Air pollution arrested not imprisoned”: The impact of laws invoked on Covid-19 city lockdowns

Air pollution continues to be an environmental problem that poses a lot of health risks to the young and aged. Developed countries have invested heavily to curb this environmental problem, causing severe threats to human lives, yet the results do not look convincing. In developing countries, the situation is difficult than they can imagine, resulting in governments borrowing to fight what looks like a lost battle.


Confirmed malaria cases among under five children with fever and history of fever in Masogo sub-county, Kisumu county-Kenya

The World Health Organization recommends that malaria treatment should begin with parasitological diagnosis. This will help to regulate misuse of anti-malarial drugs in areas with high transmission. Aim was to assess the prevalence of parasitological confirmed malaria among under five years children presenting with fever or history of fever attending medication at Masogo sub-county hospital.


Hepatic hemangioma: A case of spontaneous involution

Hepatic hemangiomas are benign, well-circumscribed tumors often found incidentally on imaging. They are estimated to be prevalent in 0.4-20% of the population. While usually solitary lesions, these tumors tend to not cause any issues for patients. However, when they grow to be larger than 5 cm, there can be associated symptoms including pain.


Prevalence of substance misuse among students in a higher institution in the London, UK

Although substance misuse pattern is of growing worldwide concern, European countries have not been left out as they are uniquely going through a dynamic phase of drug misuse pattern. It is perhaps appalling, that little or no attention has been given to university students in aspects of drug policy and adoption of potential interventions necessary to curb this act.


Clinical case of preiser disease, bilateral femoral head and humeral head osteonecrosis associated with chronic corticosteroid therapy

Osteonecrosis is a pathologic process that is associated with numerous conditions and therapeutic interventions. Most commonly the hip is involved but almost any bone can develop osteonecrosis. It can occur in the femoral head, but also affect the femoral condyles, humeral heads, proximal tibia, vertebrae, and small bones of the hand and foot.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome and pituitary macroadenoma a deadly combination with good outcome

We are presenting here a case of polycystic ovarian syndrome, an endocrine disorder, afflicting 5-13% females of reproductive age, causing 70-80% infertility associated with pituitary macroadenoma i.e. size >10 mm & prolactin level >250 ng/mI. PCOS has a higher relationship with metabolic disturbance and hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis function disorder.


Transurethral resection of bladder tumor surgery conducted using epidural anesthesia and obturator nerve block in an elderly multimorbid male

Epidural Anesthesia (EA) is mainly used for perioperative and postoperative analgesia, usually combined with Spinal Anesthesia (SA) or General Anesthesia (GA). It is safe, easy to perform, and has multiple applications. The benefits of Regional Anesthesia (RA) over general anesthesia include superior analgesia, reduced opioid consumption, reduced pulmonary complications.


Woman with dyspnea and history of systemic lupus erythematosus

32-year-old woman with history of pleurisy and systemic lupus erythematosus presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath and pleuritic chest pain, acutely worse over one day after a six hour flight three days prior. She became dyspneic walking from her hotel bed to the bathroom. She endorsed 3 weeks of right lower leg cramping.


Management of neuroendocrine tumors of the extrahepatic bile duct: Case report and review of the literature

Neuroendocrine tumors of the extrahepatic bile duct (EBNETs) are exceedingly rare neoplasms, whose diagnostic and therapeutic process can be challenging. We present the case of a 58-year-old EBNET patient successfully treated at our Institution, followed by a systematic review of the literature on the surgical management of these rare tumors.


Refractory cluster-tic syndrome: The Hickam’s dictum

A 50-year-old man debuted with right trigeminal neuralgia. In the following years, it became refractory to medical treatment and ipsilateral cluster headache appeared. He was diagnosed with cluster-tic syndrome. A brain magnetic resonance with high-spatial-resolution 3D T2 sequences (FIESTA) excluded the existence of neurovascular conflict.


Diminished distal dorsal finger wrinkling in patients with sporadic inclusion body myositis

Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM) is the most common acquired myopathy after the age of 45. Often there is a delay in diagnosis as the disease may be mistaken for other inflammatory myopathies and other neuromuscular disorders such as motor neuron disease. One of the hallmarks of the disease is distal finger flexor weakness but non-neurologists who see IBM may not have the expertise to make this assessment.


Rare giant zenker’s diverticulum with mediastinal extension

Zenker’s Diverticulum (ZD) is a herniation of the posterior pharyngeal wall between the inferior pharyngeal constrictor and the cricopharyngeus muscle through a natural weakness. The main clinical presentation is progressive solid food and pill dysphagia, with subsequent weight loss, halitosis, and regurgitation, complicated by the occurrence of several aspiration.


Perceived risks and ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic by community and healthcare providers in Nepal

The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted real suffering in many parts of the world and is expected to impact different sectors. Lockdown is considered to be an effective measure in slowing the spread of coronavirus. The study expects to understand community and healthcare providers’ perspectives on COVID-19 and pandemic responses during and after the lockdown in Nepal.


A rare presentation of a retroperitoneal cystic teratoma in an adult

Being of embryonal tissue origin, the teratomas are rare in adults, typically occurring either in the gonads or in the sacrococcygeal region in infancy and childhood. We present a case of a teratoma in the lesser sac of an adult female managed by en-bloc resection with the infiltrating stomach segment.


Hydatid bone disease of the humerus: A case report from East Africa

Skeletal hydatidosis is extremely rare and involvement of the long bones of the appendicular skeleton is exceptional. We report on a case of a 68-year-old Ugandan woman who presented with a long standing history of a non-healing fracture of the mid-diaphysis of the right humerus. She had undergone multiple surgeries in peripheral health centres during the previous years.


Cancer metastasis - A molecular insight and the challenges during covid times

The word Metastasis means ‘Meta-transformation, stasis-residence’, is stated as the spread of cancer by invasion in a way that is discontinuous to the primary tumor mass and forms secondary tumor masses in a distant area at the site of lodgment. Metastasis is a feature to distinguish malignant from benign tumors.


Deep vein thrombosis and our treatment applications: 12-year results

Deep vein thrombosis is an important health problem that is frequently encountered in the general population and especially in surgical clinics and has a negative impact on quality of life. In this study, treatment options and results of patients with deep vein thrombosis who have been hospitalized for 12 years in Atatürk University and Erzurum Regional Hospital were examined and discussed.


An overview of breastfeeding and how to support breastfeeding

There is absolutely no doubt that breastfeeding is the best nutrition for the baby. In this article, we discuss why breastfeeding is important. With appropriate preparation and support, the majority of mothers can successfully breastfeed their babies. We discuss some important facts about breastmilk composition as well as some practical aspects that would need attention to ensure the mother is supported adequately to ensure a successful breastfeeding experience.


Tildrakizumab and omalizumab: An interlocking therapy for autoimmune conditions

In Western countries the number of individuals suffering from an autoimmune condition is constantly growing and often patients suffering from autoimmune disease are susceptible to developing a second autoimmune disorder. We report a case of an adult female patient affected by psoriasis vulgaris and treated with tildrakizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting interleukin-23.


A masked ST-elevation myocardial infarction

Acute cardio-cerebral infarction is a rare circumstance characterized by high morbidity and mortality. It represents a management challenge due to the difficulty to choose which condition needs to be treated first. We describe the therapeutic challenge of a patient presenting with ischemic stroke and ST-elevation myocardial infarction.


Typical, rare and atypical CT findings in COVID-19 pneumonia: A pictorial review

The objective of this pictorial review is to make radiologists and clinicians familiar with the typical, atypical and rare CT findings of COVID-19 pneumonia to help in diagnosis as well as in monitoring disease. Bilateral ground-glass opacities, whether isolated or coexisting with consolidations, and typically in basal, posterior and peripheral lungs are the key findings in COVID-19 pneumonia.


Primary oral tuberculosis in an immunocompetent patient

Primary tuberculosis of the tongue is very rare. The chronic ulceration is commonly misdiagnosed as a cancerous lesion. We report the case of a 44 years old immunocompetent woman who presented with a lingual chronic painful ulceration. The biopsy of the lesion showed a granulomatous inflammation, with caseous necrosis in the center. The ulceration healed after a 6 month tuberculosis treatment.


Intestinal gangrene as the presenting manifestation of acute promyelocytic leukemia

Bleeding, often catastrophic, is common, however, thrombosis is rare in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL). Intestinal gangrene is an unusual presentation of thrombosis of mesenteric vasculature. We hereby, for the first time report this unusual presentation of intestinal gangrene secondary to leukaemic infiltration in APL and highlight the importance of prompt therapeutic intervention given its catastrophic nature.


Mycobacterium bovis meningitis together with systemic brucellosis

M. bovis and Brucella spp. are zoonotic bacteria that can infect humans. These pathogens are usually seen in people who are primarily engaged in animal husbandry and consume infected animal products separately. Although our country is endemic for tuberculosis and brucellosis, it is rare to detect these two pathogens concomitantly.


Children are victims of industrialization and commercialization of early feeding practices: A review of obesity in preschool children in Egypt

Obesity Is Global Problem Which Begins From Early Childhood. Early Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) without foods or Milk Formula (MF) before 6 months, with continued breastfeeding for two years are optimal feeding practices. To review studies conducted to assess the nutritional status of preschool children with a focus on obesity and stunting and their association with EBF vs MF feeding.


Pure muscle tenosynovial giant cell tumor mimicks a metastasis in patient with melanoma

Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor (TGCT) is a rare benign synovial tumor arising from the tendon sheath, bursae, synovium or adjacent soft tissue. TGCT typical occurs in intra-articular site but can be rarely extra- articular. A 50-years-old woman already affected by malignant melanoma was submitted to PET/CT scan for routine diagnostic examinations.


Incidental identification of the aberrant origin of left vertebral artery using magnetic resonance angiography: A case report

The vertebral arteries originate from the root of the neck as the first branches of the subclavian arteries. Variations of vertebral arteries are congenital anomalies occurring during embryonic development. Anatomic variations of the left vertebral artery are clinically symptomless and recognized incidentally during angiographic assessments or imaging techniques so the diagnosis of these anomalies is a serious challenge.


Reduced access to care among older American adults during CoVID-19 pandemic: Results from a prospective cohort study

Reduced access to routine care can lead to higher morbidity and mortality among older adults. We assessed the extent of reduced access to care among older American adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, identified predictors and reasons for reduced access. Using publicly available data from the COVID-19 module (interim release) of the Health and Retirement Study, we undertook descriptive analyses of older adults stratified by socio-demographic characteristics.


Right ovarian torsion and oophorectomy in second trimester of pregnancy with subsequent live birth at term

Ovarian torsion is a cause of acute abdomen in pregnancy with an incidence of less than 1% occurring most commonly in the first trimester. The symptoms are non-specific with a propensity for missed or delayed diagnosis which may worsen the morbidity associated with this condition. Management is mainly surgical and pregnancy outcome is usually satisfactory.


Radiosurgery and re-irradiation of brain metastases with cyberknife

Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer incidence and mortality worldwide with more than 2 million newly diagnosed cases in 2018. The disease is usually diagnosed in stage 3 or 4 with extensive clinical symptoms, which is a bad prognostic factor. Around 40% of patients with brain metastases are with a primary lung cancer, which shows the importance of this pathology.


Unilateral seminal vesicle agenesis in patient presenting with epididymo-orchitis

Seminal vesicle anomalies are rare. It includes agenesis, hypoplasia, duplication, fusion and cyst. Agenesis of seminal vesicle is usually associated with anomalies of ipsilateral kidney and can be the cause of infertility in male. We report a case with seminal vesicle agenesis with ipsilateral renal hypoplasia.


The effect of using instrumental music on the pain and anxiety levels of patients with impacted third molar surgery

Anxiety and fear about dentistry are a global problem that affects a large number of people around the world. Music, as a soothing method, can be used as a relaxing treatment to relieve anxiety and discomfort pain of the patient. This analysis aimed to check the instrumental music therapy effect on anxiety and pain levels in patients undergoing surgical treatment of an impacted third molar.


RBD in pure autonomic failure

Pure autonomic failure is considered to be a degenerative condition of the autonomic nervous resulting from accumulation of alpha-synuclein in autonomic ganglia. Lack of CNS involvement distinguishes this disorder from other synucleopathies with CNS involvement like MSA, DLB and PD.


An unruptured “Pocket – Like” giant apical pseudoaneurysm of the left ventricle: A case report

Cardiac pseudoaneurysm is rare and appears mostly as tardive complication of Acute Myocardial Infarct (AMI). Its apical localization is also scarce as it is usually described in posterior or lateral wall of left ventricle. Its diagnosis is based on cardiac imaging. We report a case of a hypertensive, diabetic and smoking 64-year-old man with a past history of anterior AMI.


Therapeutic approaches towards COVID-19: A critical insight

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been taking a heavy toll worldwide. Since its outcome, different therapeutic strategies have been formulated against COVID-19. Unfortunately, none of them alone or in combination has come out successful against this pandemic. Current review discusses the measures applied so far against COVID-19 and suggests future aspects for the betterment of the humankind.


Neutrality on assisted dying: A personal view

Medical bodies should take a neutral stance on the issue of assisted dying and should not be publicly opposed to or support any change in legislation that may allow assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults. At the heart of the case of neutrality is the principle that the decriminalization of assisted dying.


Two cases of severe esophageal ulcer caused by chemotherapy for breast cancer after particle beam therapy for esophageal cancer

Particle beam treatment for esophageal cancer can produce a better local therapeutic effect than can conventional radiotherapy. However, events that occur in the esophagus during or after the treatment of other cancers after that are unknown. The first patient, a 64-year-old woman, had undergone heavy ion radiotherapy for esophageal cancer. Endoscopic submucosal dissection was performed for local residual tumor.


Multidrug-resistant klebsiella pneumoniae-induced sepsis with multiple abscesses: A case report

Klebsiella pneumoniae, a Gram-negative bacillus which exists widely in nature, is generally colonized in the human intestine and oral cavity and does not cause disease. However, the emergence and global expansion of hypervirulent and multidrug-resistant clones of K. pneumoniae have been increasingly reported in community-acquired and nosocomial infections.


Factors influencing antihypertensive medication adherence among hypertensive patients: A cross-sectional study in two selected Eritrean hospitals

Hypertension is a major modifiable cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease affecting more than one billion individuals worldwide. Adherence to recommended antihypertensive medications is central to control hypertension. The purpose of this study was to assess medication adherence and its influencing factors.


Openness to discuss cancer: Not only a matter of medical communication

Though many studies have been made - sometimes even blaming - to optimize the communication between doctor-patient-caregiver in oncology, very little work is focused on the intra-familial aspects of the communication. Clinical experience shows us how much communication between cancer patients and their loved ones can also be impacted by cancer.


Axonal neuropathy immune-mediated by SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19): Report of two cases

In 2020, the World Health Organization declare a SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. There are currently more than 10 million people infected. Mao et al [1] demonstrated that 36.4% of hospitalized patients diagnosed with Covid-19 have presented neurological manifestations, where the most severe patients are more likely to develop said manifestations.


Papillary carcinoma arising from thyroglossal duct cyst with cervical lymph node metastasis

Thyroglossal duct cyst carcinoma is uncommon. Its prevalence is less than one percent. Papillary carcinoma is the most common pathologic finding of the thyroglossal duct cyst carcinoma. Metastasis of the cervical lymph node is less common. Its prevalence is less than 8%. A 38-year-old woman presented with a complaint of painless mass in the midline of the neck.


An update on neurological outcome in Covid-19 crisis

Recent pandemic surge of Covid-19 has made it necessary to further understand a detailed neurological association with the virus in-relation to sub-clinical picture. Additionally, in the presence of a sweeping corona virus wave throughout the globe, pre-liminary studies have indicated a strong association of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.


Aggressive behavior of peripheral giant cell granuloma: A case report

Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma (PGCG) considered one of the commonest oral giant cell lesions and gingival epulis. It is probably a non neoplastic lesion but rather reactive in nature which originates from the periodontal membrane or the periosteum as a reaction to chronic trauma or local irritation.


Why primary malignancies of the heart and pericardium are so rare

Primary Malignant Cardiac Tumours (PMCTs) of the heart and pericardium are extremely rare. The incidence rate of both malignant and benign primary tumours is 0.02%, however only one quarter of these are malignant. The reason why these specific malignancies are so uncommon is not yet well understood. This review aims to determine why the heart and pericardium are such inhospitable hosts to PMCTs.


Capillary hemangioma on the tip of the tongue

Hamangioma is a benign, local malformation of blood vessels and grow along with the same rate as the adjacent tissues, they do not invade underlying structures but may involute over a period of time resulting in fine telangiectasia or scarring. Haemangioma can occur anywhere in the body and also in the oral cavity.


Calcaneal metastases, urothelial origin

Our patient is a 78-year-old lady with known metastatic papillary urothelial carcinoma that presented for evaluation of left foot pain. Imaging studies revealed an aggressive appearing mass measuring approximately 4.8 cm that was subsequently biopsied with pathology consistent with her known diagnosis of urothelial carcinoma.